At a recent dinner party, I heard a compelling argument in the
Ebook vs RealBook debates:
real books can connect humans (on subways). People actually start conversations with strangers regarding books. Covers add a layer of human play and interest to the fray of urban life. And yesterday, this truth showed itself during my hours at
Books of Wonder.
Neil Gaiman reading & book signing!
The lines began. The most
considerate way to have used my waiting time? Figuring out precisely what to say in 15 seconds about being inspired as teacher/writer, capped with a profound witticism.
Yes, I didn't do that.
Instead, I bought a copy of
every day by David Levithan.
I read 35 pages as I shuffled in line. The novel caused four spontaneous discussions with strangers.
Four. Not only did this say volumes about this particular book/author, it reminded me (a Nook user) of the power of books to connect people. And of the gravity of authors within an expanding universe.
A compelling YA novel (that stirs conversations with strangers) |
Neil Gaiman has very passionate fans. The store was packed. One older gent dressed up as Destiny from Sandman. A toddler was dressed up as Chu (from Chu's Day). Most fans had their picture taken with Neil (with several fan in tears of joy). I suspect the lines continued late into the evening. Neil himself seems a particularly down-to-earth guy, which made the spectacle rather warming for such a cold, rainy day in NYC.
Me? My back & legs cramped, but
I was enjoying my new book.
The woman in front of me handed Neil and Adam Rex bottles of fine juice, which lifted spirits. Then as I approached, the owner of Books of Wonder, Peter Glassman, initiated a conversation about the non-Neil book I was carrying: "That's a great book!" So, I'm 10% blaming him for having nothing of import to offer Neil Gaiman when I stepped up. I had no fine juice. No personalized witticisms.
Only heavy admiration...
Sometimes words just suck.
As I watched him scribble "believe" in my book, I chuckled.
Someday I will buy him a fine beer, I promised myself. Yes. Authors matter. Dead-tree-book-devices matter.
Whether they sleep inside dead trees, digital data, or our frayed neurons -
stories, like the gods, need our warm blood & breath to live. I think what matters most is whether they guide us to improve ourselves. To be more human.
(this is not a YA text) |
My rambling reflection is passive, cliche, & indulgent - yet embodied. Sometimes words just suck... :-)