Sunday, April 29, 2012

Personal Drones (inspired)

Kids like power and cool things.

Can we imagine personal hoverbots/drones on the street in 10, 20, or 30 years?  What types of uses and capabilities will consumer drones offer in the years ahead?  Micro-drones, UAVs, nano quadcopters, octocopters, nano-drones, etc.  Whatever they end up being popularly called, how will they change our daily lives?

Check out these examples of what's already out there.  Truly inspiring.

An iPhone-controlled commercial toy/drone.

July '12 Update:

Browsing a Barnes & Noble in Florida, I spotted the "Parrot AR.Drone" from the first video.  If these are in B&N in mid-2012, then can you imagine what might be available in 10-20 years?